BYOB Hackathon



Bring Your Own Beamer   Visual and digital artists gather at Kortrijk Weide during Kortrijk Creativity Week and take bring their own beamer for a showcase of their work and experiment. This results in a trail of impressive video and projection installations by night.   Bring Your Own Beamer quoi ??   BYOB is an international event launched by Dutchman Rafaël Rozendaal. BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world.

> team

Ayko De Smedt - Designer Sofie Patoor - Designer Robbe Buyle - Developer Eva Denys - Developer

> tools

Phaser 3, WII remote

> the brief

Provide an alternative way of input. Anything goes, as long as it doesn't include the keyboard or trackpad of your laptop.   Provide an intuitive experience. Don't look too far, don't make it too complex (both technical and UX). A visitor must be able to get started with your project immediately and quickly understand what is happening. without instructions. Keep it simple, stupid, and fun!

> the solution

Elements   Elements is a game based on the 4 elements of nature; water, earth, fire, air. U choose your poison. With your chosen element the goal is to destroy all the futuristic tiles so that you can discover the past of Hangar K, the building where the game is displayed on.